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Information related to the Skandiabanken rating such as rating in different categories and credit opinions.

The Skandiabanken rating

Skandiabanken has a rating to ensure that counterparties, suppliers and others stakeholders have access to a second opinion regarding the creditworthiness of the bank. Skandiabanken relies on Moody’s Investor Services for rating.

Rating categories

Issuer Rating: A2 
Since 2024

Bank Deposits: A2 
Since 2015

Covered bonds: AAA 
Since 2013

Outlook: Stable

Policy regarding rating

All covered bonds issued by Skandiabanken will receive a rating by Moody’s. Senior bonds and commercial papers will not receive a rating unless it is explicitly negotiated when issued.

Moody's Credit Opinion

Credit Opinion - 2024-12-02

Credit Opinion - 2023-11-23

Credit Opinion - 2022-10-19

Credit Opinion - 2021-10-12

Credit Opinion - 2021-07-15

Credit Opinion - 2021-05-28